Friday, December 11, 2009

Trying out the new photo settings!

I just heard there's new photo settings so I can actually add more photos. I will still get more stuff up on facebook, etc....but thought this was good for family photos. By the way, I made Barry an administrator so he can add Candice and anyone else who wants to get on here. I don't have her address.

So...more pics from my trip in August:

Well is sorta works. A little akward to use but...these taken at a restaurant...can't recall which one...that pizza place I think. What is the name? I like the one at Barry's and Jodi's house. Scroll down to earlier post (before the squashes) to see another nice one of Candice, Jodi and Barry.

So, here comes trouble next!!!

Robin's experiment in cropping :)

Here's one of my experiments in cropping. One photo with three different crops, four completely different pics. The first is the orginal pic. Cool...I think. :)

Robin starts the blog off

Okay, I'll start.

I've been practicing using a large digital camera that I bought off Donna. I took it along on some small trips I took this year. I have a lot to learn.

I took this one when I came home for Bluesfest. My actual Bluesfest pics didn't turn out but I especially like the ones taken in front of Jodi and Barry's house.

I have not figured out how to add more than one photo very easily on here so you'll have to check out my facebook and flickr accts for the rest. I put family and more on facebook and used flickr for my more artsy and scenic pics. I've been experimenting with cropping. A lot. :)

HEY GEE CLAN...we should use this, eh?

Hi, Josh, Barry, Jodi, Brandon and Candice....
WE should use pics, talk to each other. It'd be way cool if you'd log on here every now and then and say hey!! I know it's a lot to ask with email, facebook, myspace...heaven forbid, twitter...a lot to keep up with but it would be nice to have this family communication board...just a thought...well, I'll try to be better as keeping it up.

Barry, this would be a good place for you to post the genealogy stuff. And, FAMILY photos.

Robin aka Nana aka Mom aka a pain, I know, but still....